What is your favorite law school memory?
My favorite law school memory was whenever I was hanging out with my friends Ashley, Emily, and Denali. From Swilled Dog adventures to weeknight TV shows, we got each other through law school with a lot of laughs, some tears, and amazing memories that I will cherish forever.
My favorite academic memory was winning the Best Student Note from the Law Review. It was incredibly rewarding to be recognized for all my hard work on an important environmental issue!
Who/what inspired you to to go law school?
I want to make real meaningful change in society, becoming a lawyer is the best way I can make achieve it. Growing up, my dad would always call me a lawyer when we would argue so I figured I should go to law school and hone my skills anyway!
Who would you like to thank?
To Mom, Dad, and Lyndsay-
Thank you so much for always encouraging me in every thing I do. You are my biggest cheerleaders and I always strive to make each of you proud. I would not be where I am today without your love and support!
To Joel-
You are simply the best. You have been there for me through all the highs and lows that law school brings. Thank you for always believing in me and reassuring me I can do all of the hard things.