What is your favorite law school memory?
Getting to know my classmates and meeting some of my best friends--I'm thankful we got to enjoy one Barrister's Ball and other 1L social events together! I will always remember our late nights studying, laughing, and only crying sometimes together. Helping with the Angel Tree project and completing a full trial with Emily Neely every year of law school are also highlights.
Who/what inspired you to to go law school?
WVU's 2016 Campus Read, Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. I am so lucky to have read this book at exactly the right time in my education. Thanks NSO!
Who would you like to thank?
My Mom and Dad, for always pushing me to do my very best and making me believe I am capable of something like completing a law degree. My wonderful, amazing friends and boyfriend for always supporting me and keeping me sane. My incredible mentors for believing in me and being instrumental in guiding my career. I am so grateful for all of your time, kindness, advice, and friendship.