In the United States, it can sometimes be easy to take education for granted. Because many, if not all, states mandate attendance in some form of education – be it public, private, or home school – one can easily overlook that education is a right not afforded to many in other countries. However, Target 2.A of the MDG addresses the need to achieve universal primary education. This goal, discussed here, seeks to ensure that children everywhere will have the opportunity to complete a full course of primary schooling.
By ensuring that children everywhere are provided a basic education, the MDG is seeking to not only help individuals better themselves, but also provide for a better economic system in general. When individuals can read and write, they are better able to communicate their needs and understand the world around them. Further, by ensuring that al children receive the opportunity for a primary education, the gender disparity should decrease, thus working to put all individuals on equal footing.
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