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Professor Lofaso co-authors labor law book

MORGANTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA — WVU Law professor is co-author “Mastering Labor Law” (Carolina Academic Press). 

“We take the complicated legal foundations of labor law and makes them accessible to the beginner – or even to a lay person – while still being of significant use to the expert,” said Lofaso, who also serves as associate dean for faculty research and development at WVU Law.”It is one of the few labor law books to include significant discussion of public-sector labor law, making it a leader among labor law treatises.” 

“Mastering Labor Law” begins with an introduction to private and public sector labor law. It then turns to United States labor history and procedure, organization, and jurisdiction issues under the National Labor Relations Act. The book then comprehensively addresses the organizational and collective bargaining processes, before covering forms of protected activity. It closes by considering other topics such as labor arbitration, union security clause, labor preemption, and antitrust doctrine.

The other co-authors of “Mastering Labor Law” are Paul M. Secunda, Professor of Law and Director of the Labor and Employment Law Program at Marquette University Law School, Joseph E. Slater, the Eugene N. Balk Professor of Law and Values at the University of Toledo College of Law, and Jeffrey M. Hirsch, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Geneva Yeargan Rand Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina School of Law.


kc 11/7/14

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