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New Releases & Media Relations

Marketing & Communications is responsible for writing news releases, media advisories, and other announcements for the media on behalf of the College of Law. We also accept draft news releases from faculty and students for distribution to the media, but will alter them to Associate Press and WVU style.

News releases publicize WVU Law events and programs as well as faculty, student and staff accomplishments, to the college’s audiences and generate media interest. We post news release on the College of Law website and social media sites, and submit them to WVU University Relations-News to be distributed on a larger scale to the media and the WVU community (ENews), and to be posted on the  WVUToday website.

We have the flexibility and responsibility of sending College of Law news directly to specific media.

We also assist University Relations with news articles and media relations. 

Media Inquiries

Marketing & Communications responds to inquiries from the media — either directly through University Relations. This includes reporters seeking information on for an article/story, interviews with faculty or staff, or photos. 

The  WVU Law Faculty Expertise webpage is a resource for reporters seeking experts. University Relations also maintains an expertise list.

If you are contacted by the media directly, please notify the Law Dean's Office.

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