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Student Application

Use this form to apply for a position in the Clinical Law Program -- and read the additional information on this page.

Law Clinic Student Application

Clinic Student Application Information

West Virginia Rule 10

Please note that there is an information session during the spring semester. 

There will be an optional informational meeting to discuss all Clinic opportunities for the 2025-2026 academic year at noon on Wednesday, March 12th.  

The meeting will be in the Fitzsimmons Event Hall with brief presentations from all clinics. Following the presentations, students will have an opportunity to meet with students and staff from each clinic at tables in the event center. Students and staff will be available until 1:00 p.m. 

Credit Hours

4 credit hours per semester
United States Supreme Court Clinic 

6 credit hours per semester
General Litigation 
Land Use and Sustainable Development 
West Virginia Innocence Project

*Immigration Clinic is 4 credits in the spring semester. 

Pre- or Co-requisites

General Litigation: Evidence (pre-req or co-req) and Family Law preferred
Immigration Law Clinic: Immigration Law (pre-req) 
Land Use and Sustainable Development: Land Use Law preferred 
United States Supreme Court Clinic: None (writing sample required)
Veterans Advocacy: Evidence (pre-req)
West Virginia Innocence Project: Evidence (pre-req) and Criminal Procedure I and/or II preferred  

Minimum number of semesters
2 (all clinics)

Year of eligibility
3L (all clinics)

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