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Resume Writing

Start by drafting your information in the following order:

  1. Heading – Name, campus address, permanent address, phone numbers, e-mails
  2. Education – Use reverse chronological order. Begin with degree to be awarded, i.e., J.D Degree or Doctor of Jurisprudence, date to be awarded or date awarded, name of institution, location (city and state). Follow the same form for all other degrees. Always include GPA and class rank if available.
  3. Experience – List most recent experience first. Begin with your job title first, then list name of employer, location and dates employed. Describe actual experience. Don’t use general phrases like “research and writing.” Detail what you wrote or what you researched.
  4. Activities, Honors, Skills – Honors may be put under appropriate educational institution or in a separate heading. Activities may also be under the institution if they are significant. Skills might include second language or other extraordinary accomplishments.

Get Your Resumé Reviewed

Students should always have their resumé reviewed by a career services staff member. Format, style, content, and grammar are all important aspects of your resume. Unless you have extensive prior work experience, your resume should be one page for most legal employers.

A Professional Resumé is Vital

A professional resumé is vital to your job search. If you have an old resumé, it provides a starting place to construct your legal professional resume. It is likely, however, that you will need to modify your old resume quite a bit to develop a more appropriate one for a legal profession.

Resume Handbook 

Resume Example I 
Resume Example II
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