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Public Interest Advocates

2022-23 Public Interest Adcocates
2022-23 Public Interest Advocates

The West Virginia University College of Law Public Interest Advocates exists to sponsor summer fellowships and other opportunities for WVU law students in the public interest field and to promote interest in public interest lawyering.

The PIA annually sponsors summer public interest fellowships that permit first and second year law students to work in the offices of public interest law firms throughout the state. Fellows work in the offices of legal aid, public defender, environmental and other organizations. The PIA, through the West Virginia Fund for Law in the Public Interest, also offers a post-graduate fellowship in public interest law.

The PIA raises the funds for these fellowships through a variety of mechanisms, including the highlight of the law school year, the annual Public Interest Advocates Spring Auction.

The PIA also sponsors a speaker series, bringing to the law school noted public interest law practitioners to inspire students and faculty alike to engage in and support public interest law.


President: Carrie Miller

Vice President: Alexis Schneider

Secretary: Olivia Lee 

Treasurer: Brooke Antol

Advisor: Dan Kimble

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